L’Hôpital Saint-Jean de Bruges est l’un des plus anciens hôpitaux de l‘époque médiévale. Parcourir ses salles, ses couloirs, découvrir sa chapelle, ses jardins et son étonnante pharmacie, longer les canaux qui le bordent, c’est proposer un voyage visuel inédit et raconter tout un pan de l’histoire de Bruges, guidé par les musiques qui y ont résonné, des œuvres franco-flamandes à la musique espagnole et par le concert in situ du Kitgut Quartet, interprétant les grands maîtres de la musique anglaise et autrichienne.
Located in the heart of Bruges, the Saint John's Hospital is one of the oldest hospitals of the medieval period. Walking through its corridors, its rooms, its attics, discovering its chapel, and even its astonishing 17th century pharmacy, strolling through its gardens, following the canals that border it, is both to offer a unique visual journey and to tell a whole part of the history of Bruges, from the 13th to the 20th century, guided by the music that resounded there.
A musical journey in the fascinating city of Bruges. Walking through the Hôpital Saint-Jean, strolling through its gardens and following the canals, a unique visual journey into Bruges' history, from the 13th to the 20th century, guided by the music that resonated there.